Women and Supplier Diversity Daring Circle Launched
Procter & Gamble has joined forces with WEConnect International and UN Women to launch the Women and Supplier Diversity Daring Circle, in a bid to foster better diversity and improve the economic and social enterprise of women within the supply chain.
The Circle, which has members such as P&G, BNP Paribas, and L’Oréal, will help assist large corporations and suppliers to create better gender-responsive practices and bolster better practices and knowledge-sharing opportunities.
The Women4Business Daring Circle is committed to promoting and accelerating women’s economic empowerment in business and supply chains. It highlights the crucial role of women’s entrepreneurship and leadership in an inclusive economic recovery.
Entrepreneurship is a ready route toward both economic empowerment and growth. If women and men participated equally as entrepreneurs, global GDP could rise by up to 6%, or $5 trillion